Strippers, wedding trucks and dinosaurs: the brilliant 50-year photography career of Ave Pildas

Leafing through the rest of his archive is an utter joy; uncovering reams of brilliant and off-kilter images taken throughout the photographer’s busy 50-year career which show a knack for that all important “decisive moment.” Ave grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, and during the 1970s worked as art director for Hollywood’s Capitol Records, and went…

Guardian strip Vibe Consultant is a hilarious send-up of media industry wankery

Lampooning media industry bullshit like a brightly coloured Nathan Barley, the Vibe Consultant comic strip by Kyle Platts is a hilarious and at times, troublingly real look into the oft-ludicrous world of reach. The strip was commissioned by The Guardian to appear on the back page of its monthly Guardian Guide, and sees the Vibe Consultant battle the…

Studio Vanessa Ban’s book design plays with space and typography

Based in Manchester, Slovakia-born designer Jozef Ondirk has been doing work with Deep Throat Studio, an independent design practice he co-founded with Zdenek Kvasnica, which aims to be a space for collaboration and discussion. As well as creating various printed materials, the studio also runs workshops and presentations on creating better design-based solutions. Asked to…

Classic Film Characters Flee in Terror in This Masterful Supercut Made

Madrid-based design studio Naranjo-Etxeberria has produced a publication for architects Fake Industries Architectural Agonism’s proposed designs for the new Guggenheim Museum in Helsinki. “The creative process wasn’t easy,” says co-founder Diego Etxeberria. “The architects live in Sydney, Carlota Santamaria the creative director lives in LA and we are in Madrid. The process was a mix…

A Day at Pentagram New York: an insight into the partners, politics and personalities

Surely there are very few things more irritating than people who say “interwebs” when they actually mean “internet.” They’re the same sort of people that say “noms” when they really mean “food.” Earlier this year I interviewed Richard Turley, the creative director who revolutionised Bloomberg Business Week before moving to MTV. Asked to compare the…